What Kind of Video is Right for My Business?

If you’re here, chances are you understand the value video can bring to your business or brand.

Perhaps you’re wondering to yourself, I know I need a video, but I just don’t know where to start. Or, perhaps you’ve created a few videos and have seen them blow up and do great things and are thinking, Well that was awesome. How do I keep this going?

Plick’s Flicks Executive Producer, Jade (left) and Director, Katie Ann (right) shooting on location

We’ve got you. Below are some considerations to help you decide what kind of video to make next! Exciting stuff!

* Bonus tip: If you want to take the quiz to find out what your video is, click here to get your personalized results delivered right to your inbox! (This isn’t Googleable by the way, it’s advice straight from your favorite film crew.)

**P.S. Don’t tell us if we actually aren’t your favorite film crew.

Let’s dive in!

To know where you’re going, you want to start with the ideal outcome. Do you want to grow your audience on social media and stand out online? Generate sales? Show off your company culture to recruit great employees? Or do you want to build trust and deepen the connection with your audience? For every purpose, there is a video. Understanding the results of your video will help to build your message and identify the best format in which to share it.

Who are your people? Where do you like to communicate with your audience? Video is queen when it comes to delivering your expertise and personality all in one, so think about where you can offer the most value to your audience with your results in mind. Would your email subscribers love the chance to get to know you better and close the internet gap between you faster? Would your social media followers love some pro tips in an engaging and memorable way? These are just a couple examples, but think about your audience and where they consume their content.

A question we get asked a lot is, “How much does a video cost?” This is kind of like asking how much a car costs. You can make a video for free with a strong marketing strategy and your cell phone, or you can invest in the expertise of a professional film crew to make something more purposeful. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not ragging on your Geo Prism — it’s gotten me half way across the country to run marathons on more than a few occasions. You can absolutely make an effective and impactful video for free.99. The most important thing is that your video (your vehicle) will get you from point A to point B, because if it doesn’t accomplish anything, it has no value. So, that being said, a better question to ask than “How much does a video cost?” might be “What value is this video going to bring to my business?” For example, if your goal is to attain eight new clients as a result of the video, think about what that is worth to your business and from there, what is needed to get that video done. If the return on investment is five times the upfront cost, that’s an investment I’ll make any day of the week. Make your video count and don’t waste your most precious recourse - your time and talents!

There are thousands of types of videos you can create, so it can be easy to get analysis paralysis. But if you start from the inside out, and with these questions, you’ve got the foundation of an impactful video. Year after year, video continues to be the number one way to engage an audience and we’re here for it. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us directly at info@plicksflicks.com or sign up for our newsletter below. (We don’t like spammy emails, just spam musubi).

Good luck to you in your video endeavors! We can’t wait to see what you create!