BTS: Behind the Story

Our brand profile videos are perpetually successful and it’s no secret why; storytelling is effective. Sharing stories is as old as…well let me google that real quick. Ok woah, earliest evidence is 30,000 years! So yeah. It works.

The reason diving into a brand’s narrative can be so effective is that it employs storytelling for the audience to form an emotional connection with the brand, building trust right away. When a great business shares the reasons behind why they do what they do, they find their community and stand out as uniquely them. They’re no longer “that one cheese place.” They become Roger and Suzanne, newlyweds who bought a farm together knowing nothing about cows, and determinedly grew the well-loved organic brand Samish Bay Cheese. They are Suzanne and Roger, who first fell in love on the dance floor and who are now facing their next challenge together: retirement.

Through crafting and editing stories (and hearing the sound bites several hundred times) we connect with the people we get to work with and film. We feel lucky to witness all the aspects that make them incredible and passionate. When we go home with the footage, we get to take all of those wonderful things and share them with the world so others can form a connection too.

It can be a little sad when a project comes to a close — but we’ll always have this video to look back on.